

First Year Admission Counselor


+1 630 637 5824





Favorite thing about North Central: 校园社区. There is so much support and love for the students we have at North Central from all corners of our campus. Everyone wants the best for our students both in the classroom and outside the classroom. 

Words I use to describe North Central students: Dedicated, great conversationalist, passionate, multi-faceted 

Why did I choose to become an 招生 Counselor at North Central? When a position opened up I quickly snatched up the opportunity to join the admissions team! I was involved with our Orientation Office as a First-Year Mentor and a NOTA intern. I witnessed the impact that orientation and admissions has on students. I want to continue to be a part of the process that welcomes all students to our campus and be in their corner along the way supporting them. 

Favorite Naperville Restaurant: Empire or Sweetwaters Coffee & 茶! 在我看来, Empire has the best burgers and salads in Downtown Naperville plus they have fried donuts too! Sweetwaters has great options for coffee and tea paired with a great coffeehouse atmosphere. 

Favorite Season in Naperville: 秋天!! I love seeing the students return to campus refreshed from their summer break ready to take on the new academic year and catching up with their friends on Jefferson Lawn. The colors changing around campus and Downtown Naperville are gorgeous to see too! Plus I am always down to get a hot coffee and a walk around campus.

给学生的建议: Don’t be afraid to attend things alone! If you’re interested in attending an event or joining a club, go even if you don’t have anyone to go with! You’ll meet so many new people and learn new things about yourself with friends or by yourself throughout your time at 中北书院.